Nearly half of landlords (48%) have concerns about a potential change of government, revealed the latest Landbay survey.
When explaining their reasoning, respondents described Labour as “anti-landlord” and a potential government offering “too many unknowns”, with many of the policies of the two main parties seeming closely aligned.
Others said they would likely vote for the party that will reduce the tax burden facing landlords.
One landlord said: “A Labour government will be traditionally landlord unfriendly. Conservative policies of recent years have also been far too punitive to landlords.”
Another commented: “Everyone is anti-landlord — with a lack of affordable housing, we are the scapegoats. They have increased our tax and compliance burden, while the left is making it worse.”
The lender’s most recent study, which questioned existing landlords on a variety of topics to determine their attitudes and intentions regarding the future of the PRS, also revealed that 41% are still undecided on who to vote in the upcoming general election on 4th July.
The majority of those undecided operate within a limited company, with 35% of those who have confirmed their indecision owning a portfolio of 4-10 properties.
Meanwhile, landlords with 20 or more properties make up a quarter of property investors who are not sure which party to vote for.
John Goodall, founder and CEO of Landbay, said: “Now that the election has been called, it is clear that landlords still need further reassurance from Labour about their plans for government and their policy for the sector.
"The UK needs a strong PRS that can support investment and has the ability to scale in order to provide housing to millions of households.
“We therefore urge Sir Keir Starmer to make clear his plans on housing and how his party will recognise the critical role of landlords and the private rental sector in the UK’s housing mix.”
Rob Stanton, sales and distribution director at Landbay, added: “With a large proportion of landlords still undecided, these findings show the huge opportunity that is out there for all parties to engage with landlords, address their concerns and give them a reason to vote for their party.
“It’s only natural for a potential change in government to raise concerns — in fact, we’re seeing this across lots of different industries and sectors as we all try and predict what changes in policy, regulation and central funding, for example will mean for us.
“It’s important for landlords to remember that the BTL market has survived countless crises, regime changes and new governments, and has continued to thrive with lenders ready and willing to lend, and talented brokers able to support landlords in seizing the opportunities that are still out there.”