West One Loans has launched its BTL offering into Scotland.
The move means brokers with clients looking to purchase or remortgage a BTL property in Scotland can now access the lender’s leading range of first charge products.
West One will target both Scottish landlords and those looking to target Scotland BTL opportunities for the first time.
With fixed rates starting from 2.59%, in Scotland West One products will be accessible for both individual and limited company landlords.
Andrew Ferguson, managing director of BTL at West One Loans, says: “Entering the Scottish market is an exciting milestone, and we believe Scotland’s dynamic housing sector presents significant opportunities for us as a lender."
Jez Quinn, Head of Sales for the North (BTL and Bridging), added: “This is a huge step forward for us and we’re keen to make an instant impact on the Scottish market.
“The BTL market is more complex than ever and intermediaries need a flexible, solution-focused lender they can trust – we’re here to be that lender for brokers.
“We’re taking this move very seriously, which is why we have a dedicated northern based field BDM, Rick Davey, plus office support to ensure West One provide Scottish brokers with expert support on criteria and case enquiries."