The majority of landlords who voted for Labour in the 2024 general election wouldn’t do so again, research from Landbay has found.
The mortgage platform surveyed 1800 landlords for the survey. Here, 80% of landlords who voted for Labour said they wouldn’t have done so if they’d known stamp duty would be increased on second homes and investment properties.
Overall, 19% of landlords reported they had voted for Labour in the 2024 election, compared to the 12% who said they intended to in a survey carried out in Spring 2023.
Now, 63% of all landlords - regardless of how they voted in the election - have said they are unimpressed with the government’s housing market policies so far.
One landlord told Landbay: “Where is the incentive to invest? Who will take up the displaced tenants when private landlords, most of whom only have two or three properties, dispose of their properties?”
Another added: “It feels like typical landlord bashing from a Labour government.”
Commenting on the findings, Landbay sales and distribution director Rob Stanton (pictured above), said this showed the BTL sector needs a confidence boost.
“With encouragement and support, the sector can continue to play an important role in helping solve the housing crisis,” said Rob. “As a BTL lender we remain committed to doing our bit to help, innovating to meet the needs of landlords.”