It is estimated that 2.9 million properties would need to be improved to hit government proposals for rental homes to reach EPC C by 2030, with a cost of £23.4bn.
The analysis, which comes from Rightmove’s third Green Homes Report, found this would cost around £8,074 per property for a landlord.
According to Rightmove data, 18% of properties for sale in August were previously on the rental market, compared with 8% in 2010.
According to the report, a green wealth divide had also emerged, with the report analysing EPCs created over the past year, it found that 50% of £1m plus had improved their rating since their previous EPC, compared with 32% of properties under £400,000.
Meanwhile, 50% of landlords were concerned that the government would introduce costly charges for not meeting EPC requirements, while 19% of renters thought that stricter regulations should be a government top priority.