LendInvest Mortgages has expanded its BTL range with rate reductions, larger maximum loan sizes, and up to 80% LTV on five-year products
The lender has reduced its rates by up to 15bps across the proposition, now starting at 3.89%.
Landlords can now access loans of up to £3m, and up to 80% LTV on five-year products for both standard properties and small HMOs.
LendInvest has also reintroduced its holiday let offering, with two- and five-year fixed rates.
In addition, the business has enlarged its maximum LTV for new-build flats, so that aligns with new-build homes.
“These changes are designed to empower property investors with more options and better financial flexibility,” said Sophie Mitchell-Charman, commercial director at LendInvest (pictured above).
“By reducing rates and expanding our product range, we aim to support a wider array of investment strategies and help landlords achieve their property investment goals.”
The news follows LendInvest’s recent launch of a new product transfer process for BTL customers approaching the end of their fixed-term.
The new process includes a reduced application form, dedicated underwriter support, and no legals on pound-for-pound product transfers.